We evaluate the time-triggered and event-triggered programming paradigms in the context of developing large-scale distributed real-time systems with fault-tolerance. To this end, we present a simple case study using the Lego Mindstorms NXT platform in an intrusion detection problem, and compare the power consumption and accuracy of event detection in time-triggered and event-triggered systems. We use this case study comparison as part of the motivation for the development of a new mixed event-triggered and time-triggered language.
Taylor T. Johnson, Sayan Mitra, "Power Usage of Time and Event-Triggered Paradigms: A Case Study", Presented at RTAS 2009 Poster Session, 2009, apr.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Taylor T. Johnson and Sayan Mitra},
title = {Power Usage of Time and Event-Triggered Paradigms: A Case Study},
note = {Presented at <a href="http://www.rtas.org/rtas2009/">RTAS 2009</a> <a href="http://www.rtas.org/rtas2009/09-demo-list.htm">Poster Session</a>},
abstract = {We evaluate the time-triggered and event-triggered programming paradigms in the context of developing large-scale distributed real-time systems with fault-tolerance. To this end, we present a simple case study using the Lego Mindstorms NXT platform in an intrusion detection problem, and compare the power consumption and accuracy of event detection in time-triggered and event-triggered systems. We use this case study comparison as part of the motivation for the development of a new mixed event-triggered and time-triggered language.},
year = {2009},
gsid = {1931943751823825557},
month = apr,
pdf = {http://www.taylortjohnson.com/research/johnson2009rtas.pdf},
slides = {http://www.taylortjohnson.com/research/johnson2009rtas_poster.pdf},
software = {http://code.google.com/p/nxtosek-giotto/},